SOTU2014: President Obama showing leadership on inequality

Oxfam examined how Presidents spoke about inequality in their annual State of the Union Addresses over the past 100 years with data analyst Dave Goodsmith. Now with SOTU2014 in the can, how did President Obama stack up?
Oxfam examined how Presidents spoke about inequality in their annual State of the Union Addresses over the past 100 years with data analyst Dave Goodsmith. Now with SOTU2014 in the can, how did President Obama stack up?
By Paul O’Brien, Vice President for Policy and Campaigns at Oxfam America, and Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva, Head of Research at Oxfam Great Britian
The speech itself last night reflected the President’s declared intent to put economic inequality, “the defining challenge of our time,” front and center for the remainder of his administration. SOTU2014 ranked 13th out of 116 State of the Union speeches Oxfam analyzed.
Prior to last night, President Obama ranked 17 out of 19 presidents since 1900 in use of eleven key words on inequality. With last nights speech included, the President is moving up. He now ranks 13th.
See more from the @OxfamAmerica #SOTU2014 conversations last night by viewing the hashtag #InequalityCounts.