Politics of Poverty

Ideas and analysis from Oxfam America's policy experts

Thank you to the 187 Members of the House and 47 Senators who voted against corruption

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Photo: http://bit.ly/1qEQUL1

The House and Senate votes last week were a very ugly example of how special interests – in this case, Big Oil – can have a quick and deadly effect. 

Republicans (with four exceptions on the House side) did their bidding and used the Congressional Review Act to eviscerate a rule on extractive industry revenue transparency that is key to fighting corruption and graft. The brutal loss of 10 years of work last week is an opportunity to thank and highlight the leaders on both sides of the aisle who stood with us and voted against Big Oil and against corruption. One-hundred and eighty seven members of the House and forty-seven members of the Senate voted “NAY” on the Joint Resolution to gut the Cardin-Lugar anti-corruption rule, which implements the bipartisan law that requires all oil, gas, and mining companies to disclose the payments they make to governments around the world. The “YAY”s  won out in both the House and the Senate, but we thank  all of the members who have been champions on the issue of transparency in the oil, gas, and mining sector for the past seven years and are counting on your continued support in this new phase of our battle.

It is important to remember that more than 30 other countries including the countries in the European Union, Canada, and Norway have enacted similar laws and the availability of this financial information has led to increased transparency and equal opportunity. Oxfam America and bipartisan Congressional advocates will continue to fight for revenue transparency for the people in resource rich developing countries who continue to work to fight against corruption and work to hold their governments accountable.

In the House, four Republican members voted with us, against the Joint Resolution that favors corrupt kleptocrats and Big Oil over transparency and citizen involvement. Those members were Representative Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,  Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global health, Human Rights and International Organizations, Representative Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA), a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Representative Walter Jones (R-NC) a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee. The strong foreign affairs background of these four members may have contributed to their support for ensuring poor countries can safeguard government revenues from corruption.

In the Senate, all Democratic Senators and two Independents who caucus with Democrats voted against the roll-back of Section 1504.

If any of these members are your elected official, please contact your Senator or Representative and give them your thanks. Here is a full list of the members who voted to stand up to corruption:

House of Representatives:

Name State Party
Representative Alma Adams North Carolina Democrat
Representative Pete Agular California Democrat
Representative Nanette Barragan California Democrat
Representative Karen Bass California Democrat
Representative Joyce Beatty Ohio Democrat
Representative Ami Bera California Democrat
Representative Don Byer Virginia Democrat
Representative Rob Bishop Georgia Democrat
Representative Earl Blumenauer Oregon Democrat
Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester Delaware Democrat
Representative Suzanne Bonamici Oregon Democrat
Representative Brendan Boyle Pennsylvania Democrat
Representative Robert Brady Pennsylvania Democrat
Representative Corinne Brown Florida Democrat
Representative Julia Brownley California Democrat
Representative Cheri Bustos Illinois Democrat
Representative GK Butterfield North Carolina Democrat
Representative Mike Capuano Massachusetts


Representative Salud Carbajal California Democrat
Representative Tony Cardenas California Democrat
Representative Andre Carson Indiana Democrat
Representative Kathy Castor Florida Democrat
Representative Joaquin Castro Texas Democrat
Representative Judy Chu California Democrat
Representative David Cicilline Rhode Island Democrat
Representative Katherine Clark New York Democrat
Representative Lacy Clay Missouri Democrat
Representative Emmanuel Cleaver Missouri Democrat
Representative James Clyburn South Carolina Democrat
Representative Steve Cohen Tennessee Democrat
Representative Gerry Connolly Virginia Democrat
Representative John Conyers Michigan Democrat
Representative Jim Cooper Tennessee Democrat
Representative Lou Correa California Democrat
Representative Jim Costa California Democrat
Representative Joe Courtney Connecticut Democrat
Representative Charlie Crist Florida Democrat
Representative Joe Crowley New York Democrat
Representative Elijah Cummings Maryland Democrat
Representative Danny Davis Illinois Democrat
Representative Rodney Davis Illinois Republican
Representative Peter DeFazio Oregon Democrat
Representative Diana DeGette Colorado Democrat
Representative John Delaney Maryland Democrat
Representative Rosa DeLauro Connecticut Democrat
Representative Suzan Delbene Washington Democrat
Representative Val Demings Florida Democrat
Representative Mark DeSaulnier California Democrat
Representative Ted Deutch Florida Democrat
Representative Debbie Dingell Michigan Democrat
Representative Lloyd Doggett Texas Democrat
Representative Michael Doyle Pennsylvania Democrat
Representative Keith Ellison Minnesota Democrat
Representative Elliot Engel New York Democrat
Representative Anna Eschoo California Democrat
Representative Adriano Espillat New York Democrat
Representative Elizabeth Esty Connecticut Democrat
Representative Dwight Evans Pennsylvania Democrat
Representative Keith Ellison Minnesota Democrat
Representative Michael Fitzpatrick Pennsylvania Republican
Representative Bill Foster Illinois Democrat
Representative Lois Frankel Florida Democrat
Representative Marcia Fudge Ohio Democrat
Representative Tulsi Gabbard Hawaii Democrat
Representative Ruben Gallego Arizona Democrat
Representative John Garamendi California Democrat
Representative Josh Gottheimer New Jersey Democrat
Representative Al Green Texas Democrat
Representative Raul Grijalva Arizona Democrat
Representative Luis Guttierez Illinois Democrat
Representative Colleen Hanabusa Hawaii Democrat
Representative Alcee Hastings Florida Democrat
Representative Denny Heck Washington Democrat
Representative Brian Higgins New York Democrat
Representative Jim Himes Connecticut Democrat
Representative Steny Hoyer Maryland Democrat
Representative Jared Huffman California Democrat
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee Texas Democrat
Representative Pramila Jayapal Washington Democrat
Representative Hakeem Jeffries New York Democrat
Representative Hank Johnson Georgia Democrat
Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson Texas Democrat
Representative Walter Jones North Carolina Republican
Representative Mary Kaptur Ohio Democrat
Representative Bill Keating Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Mike Kelly Illinois Democrat
Representative Joe Kennedy Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Ro Khanna California Democrat
Representative Ruben Kihuen Nevada Democrat
Representative Derek Kilmer Washington Democrat
Representative Ron Kind Wisconsin Democrat
Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi Illinois Democrat
Representative Ann Kuster New Hampshire Democrat
Representative Jim Langevin Rhode Island Democrat
Representative Rick Larsen Washington Democrat
Representative Ron Larson Connecticut Democrat
Representative Brenda Lawrence Michigan Democrat
Representative Al Lawson Florida Democrat
Representative Barbara Lee California Democrat
Representative Sandy Levin Michigan Democrat
Representative John Lewis Georgia Democrat
Representative  Ted Lieu California


Representative Dan Lipinski Illinois Democrat
Representative Dave Loebsack Iowa Democrat
Representative Zoe Lofgren California Democrat
Representative Brenda Lawrence Michigan Democrat
Representative M. Lujan Grisham New Mexico Democrat
Representative Ben Ray Lujan New Mexico Democrat
Representative Stephen Lynch Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Carolyn Maloney New York Democrat
Representative Sean Maloney New York Democrat
Representative Doris Matsui California Democrat
Representative  Betty McCollum Minnesota Democrat
Representative Donald McEachin Virginia Democrat
Representative Jim McGovern Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Jerry McNerney California Democrat
Representative Grace Meng New York Democrat
Representative  GwenMoore Wisconsin Democrat
Representative Seth Moulton Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Tim Murphy Florida Democrat
Representative Jerrod Nadler New York Democrat
Representative  Grace Napolitano California Democrat
Representative Richard Neal Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Rick Nolan Minnesota Democrat
Representative Donald Norcross New Jersey Democrat
Representative Tom O’Halleran Arizona Democrat
Representative Beto O’Rourke Texas Democrat
Representative Frank Pallone New Jersey Democrat
Representative Jimmy Panetta California Democrat
Representative Bill Pascrell New Jersey Democrat
Representative Donald Payne New Jersey Democrat
Representative Nancy Pelosi California Democrat
Representative Ed Perlmutter Colorado Democrat
Representative Scott Peters California Democrat
Representative Chellie Pingree Maine Democrat
Representative Mark Pocan Wisconsin Democrat
Representative Jared  Polis Colorado Democrat
Representative Tom Price Georgia Democrat
Representative Mike Quigley Illinois Democrat
Representative Jamie Raskin Maryland Democrat
Representative Tom Rice South Carolina Democrat
Representative Cedric Richmond Louisiana Democrat
Representative Jacky Rosen Nevada Democrat
Representative Lucille  Roybal-Allard California Democrat
Representative Ed Royce California Republican
Representative Raul Ruiz California Democrat
Representative CA Dutch Ruppersberger Maryland Democrat
Representative Tim Ryan Ohio Democrat
Representative Loretta Sánchez California Democrat
Representative John Sarbanes Maryland Democrat
Representative Jan Schakowsky Illinois Democrat
Representative Adam Schiff California Democrat
Representative Brad Schneider Illinois Democrat
Representative Kurt Schrader Oregon Democrat
Representative Bobby Scott Virginia Democrat
Representative David Scott Georgia Democrat
Representative Jose Serrano New York Democrat
Representative Terri Sewell Alabama Democrat
Representative Carol Shea-Porter New Hampshire Democrat
Representative Brad Sherman California Democrat
Representative Kyrsten Sinema Arizona Democrat
Representative Albio Sires New Jersey Democrat
Representative Louise Slaughter New York Democrat
Representative Chris Smith New Jersey Republican
Representative Adam Smith Washington Democrat
Representative Darren Soto Florida Democrat
Representative Jackie Speier California Democrat
Representative Thomas Suozzi New York Democrat
Representative Eric Swalwell California Democrat
Representative Mark Takano California Democrat
Representative Glenn Thompson California Democrat
Representative Bernie Thompson Mississippi Democrat
Representative  Dina Titus Nevada Democrat
Representative Paul Tonko New York Democrat
Representative Norma Torres California Democrat
Representative Nikki Tsongas Massachusetts Democrat
Representative Juan Vargas California Democrat
Representative Marc Veasey Texas Democrat
Representative Nydia Velázquez New York Democrat
Representative Pete Visclosky Indiana Democrat
Representative Tim Walz Minnesota Democrat
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz California Democrat
Representative  Maxine Waters California Democrat
Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman New Jersey Democrat
Representative Peter Welch Vermont Democrat
Representative Frederica Wilson Florida Democrat
Representative John Yarmuth Kentucky Democrat


US Senate:

Name State Party
Senator Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin Democrat
Senator Michael Bennet Colorado Democrat
Senator Richard Blumenthal Connecticut Democrat
Senator Cory Booker New Jersey Democrat
Senator  Sherrod Brown Ohio Democrat
Senator Maria Cantwell Washington Democrat
Senator Ben Cardin Maryland Democrat
Senator Tom Carper Delaware Democrat
Senator Bob Casey Pennsylvania Democrat
Senator Chris Coons Delaware Democrat
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto Nevada Democrat
Senator Joe Donnelly Indiana Democrat
Senator Tammy Duckworth Illinois Democrat
Senator Richard Durbin Illinois Democrat
Senator Dianne Feinstein California Democrat
Senator Al Franken Minnesota Democrat
Senator Kristin Gillibrand New York Democrat
Senator Kamala Harris California Democrat
Senator Hassan Maggie
New Hampshire Democrat
Senator Martin Heinrich New Mexico Democrat
Senator Heidi Heitkamp North Dakota Democrat
Senator Mazie Hirono Hawaii Democrat
Senator Tim Kaine Virginia Democrat
Senator Angus King Maine Independent
Senator Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Democrat
Senator Patrick Leahy Vermont Democrat
Senator Joe Manchin West Virginia Democrat
Senator Claire McCaskill Missouri Democrat
Senator Bob Menendez New Jersey Democrat
Senator Jeff Merkley Oregon Democrat
Senator Chris Murphy Connecticut Democrat
Senator Patty Murray Washington Democrat
Senator Bill Nelson Florida Democrat
Senator Gary Peters Michigan Democrat
Senator Jack Reed Rhode Island Democrat
Senator Bernie Sanders Vermont Independent
Senator Brian Schatz Hawaii Democrat
Senator Chuck Schumer New York Democrat
Senator Jean Shaheen New Hampshire Democrat
Senator Debbie Stabenow Michigan Democrat
Senator Jon Tester Montana Democrat
Senator Mark Udall New Mexico Democrat
Senator Chris Van Hollen Maryland Democrat
Senator Mark Warren Virginia Democrat
Senator Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts Democrat
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Rhode Island Democrat
Senator Ron Wyden Oregon Democrat